Human Rights

TrustWorks Global helps companies, including food and beverage companies, operate in conflict-sensitive areas. Image Source: Getty Images/Frank Rossoto Stocktrek

How should food businesses operate in areas of conflict?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Many key commodities in the food industry are sourced from conflict areas. What role can a social enterprise play in helping businesses operate in these areas without exacerbating harm?

What next for fair trade food and drink?

Sustainable Food & Drink Podcast

What next for fair trade after confidence crisis?

By Oliver Nieburg

Fair trade standards should become watchdogs instead of the benchmark for sustainability, argues the recently appointed head of sustainable commodities NGO Solidaridad.

© iStock/Neoellis

Amnesty report fallout: Another blow for RSPO?

By Niamh Michail

Amnesty International’s report is another dent in the reputation of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) as three of the suppliers on Wilmar's operations were RSPO-certified. 

Thailand's poultry industry has been plagued by abuse allegations

Thai poultry firm threatens to sue NGO

By Oscar Rousseau

A chicken supplier in Thailand may open a lawsuit against a non-governmental organisation (NGO) over alleged claims of human trafficking. 

Ethical audits do little to root out labour abuses and poor working conditions, a report has highlighted. (©

'Abuses are taking place within ‘certified’ supply chains' say authors

Global supply chains audits for corporations fail to detect serious abuses: Report

By Will Chu

NGO-certified ethical audits do little to root out labour abuses, poor working conditions and environmental degradation within global supply chains, as a report accuses corporations of 'fixing' the process to ensure working standards are approved...

It is too early to praise industry for Thai prawn slavery meeting


It is too early to praise industry for Thai prawn slavery meeting

By Marta Kasztelan

When in June of this year, British newspaper The Guardian published a damning report tracing fishmeal that it claimed had been caught by workers kept in slave-like conditions, a public relations storm seemed to have broken loose.

Proposed GM law changes has created uproar

Proposed GM law creates uproar

By Laurence Gibbons

A new law being discussed in Brussels this week could give biotech companies “unprecedented power” over decisions to ban genetically modified (GM) crops in Europe, according to Friends of the Earth (FoE).

Norway shuns Wal-Mart

Norway shuns Wal-Mart

By Anita Awbi

An Oslo-based pension fund, currently the world's largest, has
boycotted global retailer Wal-Mart on the grounds that it is
engaged in serious human rights abuses.


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